Christmas in Sofia. The Church of St. Sophia


Jonathan Dunne, an author and photographer living in Sofia, Bulgaria, took these photos of Christmas day Services at the ancient Church of St. Sophia in the Bulgarian Capital. This is the sequel to his photogallergy of Christmas Eve.

Statue of Tsar Samuel (997-1014) outside St Sophia Church

Statue of Tsar Samuel (997-1014) outside St Sophia Church

St Sophia Church from the south, with the Monument to the Unknown Soldier

St Sophia Church from the south, with the Monument to the Unknown Soldier

Grave-monument to the Bulgarian poet Ivan Vazov

Grave-monument to the Bulgarian poet Ivan Vazov

Plaque commemorating the non-deportation of Bulgarian Jews from Bulgaria during World War II

Plaque commemorating the non-deportation of Bulgarian Jews from Bulgaria during World War II

St. Sophia Church, the nave

St. Sophia Church, the nave

Copy of Rublev’s Trinity

Copy of Rublev’s Trinity

Fr. Stefan during Matins

Fr. Stefan during Matins

The Crucifixion scene and lamps behind the altar

The Crucifixion scene and lamps behind the altar

The beginning of the liturgy, with Fr. Lachezar holding the Gospel

The beginning of the liturgy, with Fr. Lachezar holding the Gospel

The nave during the liturgy

The nave during the liturgy

The iconostasis. Note the Classical Greek influence. This is the oldest church in Sofia. The present church was built in the sixth century during the reign of Justinian. An earlier church was visited by St. Athanasios of Alexandria when he attended the Council of Serdica in 343.

The service book on the altar

The service book on the altar

The Holy Gifts

The Holy Gifts

The altar servers

The altar servers

Waving of the aer during the Creed

Waving of the aer during the Creed

Consecration of the Holy Gifts

Consecration of the Holy Gifts

Blessing of the naphora

Blessing of the naphora

Fr. Lachezar with the nave behind him

Fr. Lachezar with the nave behind him

The congregation during the liturgy

The congregation during the liturgy

The Body of Christ

The Body of Christ

Fr. Sava taking Communion

Fr. Sava taking Communion

Fr. Stefan awaiting Communion

Fr. Stefan awaiting Communion

Icons at the east end of the church

Icons at the east end of the church

Fr. Eftimiy cutting the Body of Christ for the chalice

Fr. Eftimiy cutting the Body of Christ for the chalice

Naphora awaiting distribution

Naphora awaiting distribution

Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Wine for after Communion

Wine for after Communion

Icon of St. Sophia and her three daughters, Faith, Hope, and Love. See how Faith looks up, Hope looks down (is humble), and Love looks all around

Icon of St. Sophia and her three daughters, Faith, Hope, and Love. See how Faith looks up, Hope looks down (is humble), and Love looks all around

Iliyana in front of the Christmas tree

Iliyana in front of the Christmas tree

The queue for Communion

The queue for Communion

Mosaic icon of Christ on the iconostasis

Mosaic icon of Christ on the iconostasis

View of the nave from the choir loft

View of the nave from the choir loft

Fr. Lachezar delivering the Sermon

Fr. Lachezar delivering the Sermon

Jonathan Dunne

5 января 2023 г.

Curtis Lib1/8/2023 12:39 am
I am reading The Basil II blinded 15000 prisoners and sent them back. That does not seem very godly.
Georgios1/7/2023 1:58 am
I cannot understand how they can be proud for the monstrous Samouil, a person that caused a contant genocide to the helladic population, he demolished, for example, Larissa to the ground and enslaved every person that he didn't killed, how a nation can be proud for a person like him. Thank God, He sent Basil II' and freed His people from this monster.
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