Prince Oleg of Ryazan added to Synaxis of Ryazan Saints

Moscow, May 19, 2023

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On Tuesday, May 16, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church examined and approved the lists of local synaxes of saints venerated in the Moscow Patriarchate’s autonomous Churches, exarchates, metropolitan districts, and dioceses, reports

The majority of the saints included in the various synaxes were already glorified and celebrated on a local level, but there is at least one new name.

The head of the Ryazan City Council, Tatiana Panfilova, reports:

[Tuesday] brought joyful news—the name of the Blessed Grand Duke Oleg of Ryazan was included in the Synaxis of Ryazan Saints, named Joachim in the schema.

Oleg of Ryazan was a truly unique man—a great warrior, a wise ruler who accepted monasticism and didn’t abandon public service to his people. The bright memory of this man and his deeds has been alive in our land for centuries.

For more than 10 years, both the clergy and the secular authorities of the city together sought to include the Grand Duke in the Synaxis of Ryazan Saints. I’m glad that such a landmark event for our city has taken place.

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Global Orthodox writes of the new saint:

The blessed Prince Oleg Ivanovich of Ryazan (1353-1402) lived in a difficult time. The principality was constantly under threat of foreign invasions, and under him it was invaded and ruined 12 times, after which Prince Oleg restored life in the region, trying to make people’s lives more peaceful.

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