Patriarch Kirill donates ambulance and ultrasound to Church hospital for his name’s day

Moscow, May 30, 2023

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On May 24, the feast of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all Russia donated an intensive care ambulance and a portable ultrasound machine to the Church-run St. Alexei Hospital in Moscow.

For many years now, the Patriarch has asked for donations in lieu of flowers for his name’s day and other feasts. Those donations are then used to purchase medical equipment.

The donated equipment will be used to help victims in the Donbass, reports Foma.

“We travel to the Donbass a lot to transport the seriously ill and wounded,” said hospital director and chief physician Alexei Zarov. “The new ambulance is a full-fledged resuscitation unit, with increased cross-country abilities in off-road conditions.”

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