Romanian, Bulgarian hierarchs consecrate Romanian monastery, thousands of pilgrims attend (+VIDEO)

Drăgănești-Vlașca, Teleorman County, Romania, July 25, 2023

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More than 5,000 Orthodox pilgrims from all over Romania attended the consecration of a monastery in the south of the country over the weekend.

The consecration of the Pantocrator Monastery in Drăgănești-Vlașca was celebrated by His Grace Bishop Galaction of Alexandria and Teleorman and His Grace Bishop Sebastian of Slatina and Romanați of the Romanian Orthodox Church and His Eminence Metropolitan Naum of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, from the city of Ruse, which is just across the border from the site of the monastery.

The service was also attended by the famous Archimandrite Nikodimos (Kabarnos) from the Church of Greece, who beautified the service with his chanting, reports the Basilica News Agency.

The pilgrims were blessed to venerate relics of St. Mary Magdalene, who is especially venerated at Pantocrator Monastery, and relics of the Great Martyr Marina, brought by Met. Naum from Bulgaria. The wonderworking Lidiance Icon of the Mother of God from Neamț Monastery was also present.

Bp. Galaction spoke about St. Mary Magdalene in his homily during the Divine Liturgy, saying:

The holy Myrrh-bearer is for us an example of steadfastness in the right faith, of gratitude and thanksgiving to God at all times, and especially of consistency on the path of faith. The holy Myrrh-bearing Mary continued proclaiming Christ the Redeemer and His divine and saving teaching that she heard from His own mouth until the end of her life.

“The joy of the faithful to come to a monastery that is dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene confirms to us that, although she does not have many places in our country, she is very honored by the faithful,” said Archimandrite Sebastian (Serdaru), Abbot of Pantocrator Monastery.

A report from Trinitas TV shows scenes from the service:

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