Ukrainian Church tonsures new monastics—8 monks at Pochaev Lavra

Pochaev, Ternopil Province, Ukraine, December 18, 2023

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A number of men and women gave their lives to Christ in monasticism in monasteries of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church over the past week.

In particular, eight novices were tonsured as riassaphore monks in the Holy Dormition-Pochaev Lavra in western Ukraine on December 14. The rite was celebrated by the abbot, His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir of Pochaev in the Church of St. Job, reports the Information-Education Department of the UOC.

The new monks thereby showed that they are not afraid of the state’s persecution of the Pochaev Lavra and the Church as a whole.

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On the same day, Nun Tabita of the Monastery of the Nativity of Christ in the village of Chervone, within the Zhytomyr Diocese, was tonsured as a stavrophore nun and given the name Maria in honor of St. Mary of Egypt.

Archimandrite Gabriel (Vardaev), who celebrated the rite, encouraged Mother Maria to save her soul with zeal of faith and constant prayer, patience, and humility.

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In the Diocese of Mukachevo, His Eminence Metropolitan Theodore tonsured Novice John Roman as a riassaphore monk at the episcopal podvoriye of the Salutations of the Most Holy Theotokos in the village of Domanyntsy. The new monk was given the name Gabriel in honor of St. Gabriel (Urgebadze) of Georgia.

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