Primates of Jerusalem and Greece call for end to war in Holy Land

Athens, June 19, 2024

Photo: Romfea Photo: Romfea     

His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem visited Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece at the Holy Archdiocese of Athens yesterday.

The main topic of discussion was the ongoing war in the Holy Land. The hierarchs agreed that the war must stop immediately and peace talks must begin, reports Romfea.

The Archbishop of Athens expressed his concern for the civilian population and captives in Gaza and inquired about how the Church of Greece can aid the suffering. He also voiced a message for all for the war to stop and for peace discussions to begin.

Pat. Theophilos thanked him for his brotherly love and underlined his own appeal for the war to stop. He also spoke about the Christian presence in the wider Middle East and about St. Porphyrios Monastery in Gaza and the support it provides to the faithful.

The monastery has been housing hundreds of refugees since the present conflict began in October.

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