Wondrous Diveyevo, Where Heaven Meets the Earth

“Wondrous Diveyevo” is a play on words—the root word “divo” means “wondrous” or “miraculous”. The convent was born wondrously, through the labors of St. Alexandra (whose memory was celebrated yesterday), and by the blessings and spiritual labors of the great St. Seraphim of Sarov, who as he proclaimed, made not a move without the command of the Mother of God Herself.

At St. Seraphim’s instructions, a community within the Diveyevo Monastery was created for maidens, sisters who had never lived the married life. This and the entire monastery became home to a great host of ascetic nuns, even fools-for-Christ, who courageously climbed the spiritual ladder to the Kingdom of Heaven. The wondrous monastery, after being closed under the communists, now continues to shine as a light to the world.

On this day, the Synaxis of the Saints of Diveyevo Monastery, we present a collection of photographs and pictures of this extraordinary spiritual center, founded in Russia’s Nizhny Novgorod region.

Sisters of holy simplicity

Sisters of holy simplicity

Simply… Igor (Newfik). Diveevo.ru

The canal of the Heavenly Queen

The canal of the Heavenly Queen

Simply… Igor (Newfik). Diveevo.ru

Holy Trinity St. Seraphim-Diveyevo Convent

Holy Trinity St. Seraphim-Diveyevo Convent

Simply… Igor (Newfik). Diveevo.ru

The village of Diveyevo

The village of Diveyevo

Simply… Igor (Newfik). Diveevo.ru

Batiushka Seraphim

Batiushka Seraphim

Simply… Igor (Newfik). Diveevo.ru

Evening waltz

Evening waltz

Simply… Igor (Newfik). Diveevo.ru



Simply… Igor (Newfik). Diveevo.ru



Simply… Igor (Newfik). Diveevo.ru

Wondrous Diveyevo—Heaven on earth

Wondrous Diveyevo—Heaven on earth

Simply… Igor (Newfik). Diveevo.ru

Wondrous Diveyevo—Heaven on earth

Wondrous Diveyevo—Heaven on earth

Simply… Igor (Newfik). Diveevo.ru

Spiritual capital—the village of Diveyevo

Spiritual capital—the village of Diveyevo

Simply… Igor (Newfik). Diveevo.ru

And an angel spread its wings over the home of St. Seraphim

And an angel spread its wings over the home of St. Seraphim

Simply… Igor (Newfik). Diveevo.ru

The canal of the Heavenly Queen

The canal of the Heavenly Queen

Simply… Igor (Newfik). Diveevo.ru

Where one breathes freely, where everything is penetrated with the air of sanctity

Where one breathes freely, where everything is penetrated with the air of sanctity

Simply… Igor (Newfik). Diveevo.ru

In peace let us pray to the Lord

In peace let us pray to the Lord

Simply… Igor (Newfik). Diveevo.ru

My Diveyevo, I ever hasten to thee with a sorrowing soul

My Diveyevo, I ever hasten to thee with a sorrowing soul

Simply… Igor (Newfik). Diveevo.ru

My people

My people

Simply… Igor (Newfik). Diveevo.ru

We live on the land of our fathers… our Rus’

We live on the land of our fathers… our Rus’

Simply… Igor (Newfik). Diveevo.ru

To the morning service…

To the morning service…

Simply… Igor (Newfik). Diveevo.ru

And the soul is washed in silence

And the soul is washed in silence

Simply… Igor (Newfik). Diveevo.ru

Unknown artist

Diveyevo. Where Heaven meets earth

Diveyevo. Where Heaven meets earth

Unknown artist

Diveyevo in Summer

Diveyevo in Summer

Artist: Alexey Vladimirovich Sychev



Artist: Sergei Glushkov. Diveevo.ru

O Theotokos and Virgin Rejoice

O Theotokos and Virgin Rejoice

Artist: Sergei Glushkov. Diveevo.ru

Diveyevo. Holy Trinity Cathedral

Diveyevo. Holy Trinity Cathedral

Artist: Sergei Glushkov. Diveevo.ru

Diveyevo Monastery

Diveyevo Monastery

Artist: Sergei Glushkov. Diveevo.ru



Artist: Sergei Glushkov. Diveevo.ru

To the evening service

To the evening service

Artist: Bato Durgarzhapov

27 июня 2024 г.

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