In the incomprehensible mystery for the human intellect of the incarnation of the Word of God, of man’s salvation, the Ever-Virgin Mary becomes a participant and an accomplice.
Thanks to the joint efforts of the Federal Security Service, the Investigative Committee, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a series of terrorist crimes in the southern Russian Republic of Ingushetia was prevented.
Olga Demidyuk
After the festive Divine Liturgy and Communion, I think that I would really want it that we experience joy effortlessly. But for some reason, you only feel God if you take a risk and unplug yourself from what is familiar and well-known, place your hand in His and put your trust in the way.
Orthodox Christians have profound love and veneration for the Most Holy Mother of God, and greatly love the feast of her Dormition.
This year marks the 300th anniversary of the birth of one of the most beloved saints of the Russian Church, the great 18th-century Holy Hierarch Tikhon of Zadonsk.
Just when it seems you can’t go any further, the laws of logic end and God acts.
The pilgrimage celebrations were led by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon of Washington and All America and Canada, who was invited by the local hierarch His Grace Bishop Alexei of Sitka and Alaska.
Tens of thousands of faithful Ukrainian Orthodox Christians arrived in procession at the Pochaev Lavra on Sunday, August 25, just days before the monastery’s patronal feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos.
The roof started leaking this spring and will be replaced with a new GAF architectural single (with a 50-year warranty).
It’s a great journey. It’s not easy, but it’s great.
For the first time in Ukraine, a Romanian-speaking parish of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church has been closed.
On Saturday, August 24, the Murom Diocese festively celebrated the 10th anniversary of the translation of the relics of St. Juliana of Lazarevo to the village of Lazarevo.
Hieromonk Pafnuty (Fokin)
Eldress Maria’s community became one of the strongholds of post-war secret monasticism.
Bishop Benjamin of Rybinsk and Romanov-Borisoglebsk
When the Lord calls you, you have to answer yourself whether it is your path or not. You cannot go to a monastery because it is beautiful or right, but because you love God and want to serve Him.
The Polish Orthodox Church is celebrating the 100th anniversary of its autocephaly throughout 2024. The main celebrations will be held in November.
The building, which ROCOR has owned since 1957, “has fallen into extreme disrepair and is in need of major repairs.”
Maria Tobolova
During the wedding ceremony, they drank from the shared cup to the last drop: wine mixed with water. In the Orthodox marriage sacrament, the wine in the cup symbolizes the joys of married life, while the water represents their shared sorrows, troubles, and pains. The newlyweds would have much joy in their future life, but even more sorrow and pain.
Thousands of Orthodox faithful in Belarus and Ukrainian are walking hundreds of miles this week in religious processions.
A rare fresco of the Most Holy Theotokos dating from before the 8th-9th century Iconoclastic controversy was recently discovered in a church on the Greek island of Naxos.
Metropolitan Vadim (Lazebny)
If we can send a spiritual “recruit” out of our midst into the monastic “army”, then we are more or less spiritually healthy. If a monastery becomes a center that attracts those seeking spiritual life, then many problems of people in the world will disappear too.