On Pressuring Women to Have Abortions

Part 1: How it’s done

Photo: zoon.ru Photo: zoon.ru     

This story took place ten years ago. In May 2013, my former student Maria messaged me from a local clinic in complete dismay. After an ultrasound, the doctors solemnly and unequivocally told her that her future son had an incurable heart defect, that his life (and his parents' life) would be miserable, and that it was therefore better to spare him (and his parents) from suffering.

As best as I could, I tried to reassure her. I recalled one dramatic and somewhat funny case, when one expectant mother in labor was shown an ultrasound of her baby—without a head—and accordingly they recommended that she have an abortion. But she was a true Orthodox Christian and decided to give birth in spite of everything. What joy she experienced when she had a perfectly healthy baby boy! I don't know if the doctors felt unlucky and embarrassed (or perhaps, on the contrary, they were quite skillful, depending on their goals). I think it’s probably unlikely. They probably considered such feelings to be beneath their dignity. After my stories, Masha calmed down and decided to give birth anyway. Some time after the birth she wrote me back: “All the doctors’ words turned out to be lies. Feodor was born perfectly healthy.” And six months later, during a cross procession in honor of St. Alexander Nevsky, Maria showed me her little Feodor—a nice, strong baby. Now he is successfully studying in the fourth grade.

This story interested me. I remembered the story of one singer, and about how in 1991, during pregnancy and a severe sore throat accompanied by high fever, the doctors essentially forced her to have an abortion, taking advantage of her semi-conscious state. Furthermore, among my acquaintances with many children, there was no case where doctors in consultation or even in the prenatal ward did not blackmail expectant mothers and try to persuade them to have an abortion under one pretext or another—complications during childbirth, future (or present) illnesses of children or, finally, their large number of children. “So you are having the sixth? How will you feed them?” Then, from the Lifeline program, I realized that this is a mass phenomenon—many mothers have at least once been faced with an offer, at times quite intrusive, to have an abortion.

The following circumstance also alarmed me. Usually you can’t beg for snow in the winter from our wonderful healthcare system. Many patients stand in line for months for free ultrasounds and MRIs. And here is an absolutely free ultrasound for millions of women. The cost of the procedure in commercial structures is “from two to five” thousand. Why such generosity?

In part, I found the answer among my friends in the medical field, who enlightened me on the unspoken instructions of the Ministry of Health: to identify children with possible pathologies and potential disabilities at the earliest possible stages and to achieve their abortion. It turns out that it is not profitable for the state to pay pensions and benefits to disabled people and to take care of their medical care. No person—no problem, no expenses. In Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote that one of the main responsibilities of the state was to “carry out practical modern birth control,” and that “sick or weak people should not be allowed to have children.” Hitler was very clear about this:

“If you no longer have the strength to fight for someone’s health, your right to live in this world of struggle is over. The world belongs only to a ‘full-fledged’ person full of strength, and not to a weak ‘sub-human’.”

The following circumstance is also interesting: According to the famous publicist Sergei Mikheev, prenatal clinic employees are paid about six thousand rubles for tending to a pregnancy for nine months, and about three thousand for an abortion.1 It’s not hard to guess what a lazy, unprincipled, selfish person would prefer—whether to tinker with a future mother in labor for nine months, or whether to prompt her in a certain direction and thus pocket three thousand rubles in five minutes.

Regarding additional payments for abortions, I came across an interesting comment on a forum of parents with many children:

“I know for sure that they pay extra. I work with pregnant women and young mothers, so I often have to communicate with doctors on various topics. Hospitals have a plan for abortions, and accordingly, they pay bonuses for exceeding the plan. During my first pregnancy, they scheduled me for an abortion at the first appointment. They didn’t even ask if I was going to give birth. I came to the clinic for the first time because of a pregnancy issue. The doctor just asked what the complaints were about, I replied that there were no complaints, but there was a pregnancy... He nodded and silently wrote out a referral for an abortion. I left in silence with this piece of paper. I didn’t go to this doctor again.”2

The question arises: What is all this for? It would seem that the answer is plain on the surface: a bloody business—stem cells, fetal therapy, anti-aging creams, etc. Here is what an employee of one of the private gynecological clinics in the capital says on condition of anonymity:

“Now there are far fewer clinics that perform late-term abortions. But back then (in the nineties and early two thousands) this business was popular. The products of these abortions were used for harvesting stem cells.”3

The protocol was as follows: Women who came for an examination were told that the child was sick, and were thereby convinced it was necessary to have an abortion. Or the girls came on their own. Often, they were provincial girls who, with the help of pregnancy, wanted to “attract” a groom from the capital. By the time they realized their plan didn’t work out, it was already past the time limit to contact a government agency [for an abortion]. So they contacted private clinics. The result was a double benefit: The cost of the operation was considerable, and its results could be traded profitably.

“I have thirty years of experience in gynecology, not only in private clinics, but also in public hospitals. Unfortunately, I saw everything,” our interlocutor continues. “There have always been doctors who decided to perform late-term abortions and then sell the bodies of children somewhere.”4

Here is what Abbot Philip (Filippov), head of the medical department of the Vorkuta diocese, writes about fetal therapy:

Among the various crimes against humanity, there is one, the gravity of which is obvious and does not require proof—fetal therapy.

Fetal therapy is a sophisticated new form of cannibalism. It is based on the removal and use of fetal tissue, already formed in the womb of the child’s mother, whose life is artificially terminated in the late stages of pregnancy. From fetal (germinal) tissues of the brain, gonads, pancreas, liver, etc., new “medicinal” drugs are being manufactured. It is assumed that the processed “biomass” from the tissues of human bodies represents a unique remedy with a wide spectrum of action: from the treatment of Down syndrome and Parkinson’s disease to infertility and impotence, diseases of the nervous system, brain damage, and kidney damage. It is also considered a means of rejuvenating the aging body, including the use of fetal tissue for cosmetic purposes. An advertising campaign has been launched for new “means” of treatment (see the RAMS bulletin “Experimental Biology and Medicine”, in the published supplement “Transplantation of Fetal Tissues and Cells”).

Fetal therapy belongs to the category of organ and tissue transplants. However, it is fundamentally different from the methods of conventional transplantation, in which organs are transplanted either from voluntary donors who give their consent, or from deceased people, who prior to death had not protested against becoming an organ donor. Treatment with body parts of human embryos is preceded by their prior murder, committed contrary to all moral standards. No supposed benefit from fetal therapy can justify murder (abortion), and abortion cannot be considered as something beneficial, since this benefit would be akin to cannibalism, which no life circumstances, not even starvation, can justify.”5

I apologize for the long and scary quotes; they are necessary to understand the horror that is happening around us. According to Sergei Mikheev, trade in the bodies and tissues of aborted babies in Russia alone brings in at least twenty-three billion rubles.6

Part 2

Protodeacon Vladimir Vasilik
Translation by Priest Joseph Gleason



Caroline McGaughey7/5/2024 3:19 am
My Partner, who is 66 years old, was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease last year. We noticed that he was experiencing hallucinations, slow movement, disturbed sleep, and twitchy hands and legs when at rest. He had to stop taking pramipexole (Sifrol), carbidopa/levodopa, and 2 mg of biperiden because of side effects. Our family doctor recommended a PD-5 treatment from natural herbs centre , which my husband has been undergoing for several months now. Exercise has been very beneficial. He has shown great improvement with the treatment thus far. He is more active now, does more, and feels less apathetic. He has more energy and can do more activities in a day than he did before. As far as tremors I observe a progress, he improved drastically. I thought I would share my husband's story in case it could be helpful, but ultimately you have to figure out what works best for you. Salutations and well wishes
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