Tinos: Procession in honor of St. Pelagia and Panagia of Tinos Icon

Tinos, Cyclades, Greece, July 25, 2024

Photo: ​Romfea Photo: ​Romfea     

Thousands of Orthodox Christians joined in an annual procession on the Greek island of Tinos on July 23.

Every year, the Church celebrates the feast of St. Pelagia of Tinos with a procession from the 19th-century Holy Church of Evangelistria of Tinos to the Kechrovouniou Monastery of the Dormition of the Theotokos. The Panagia of Tinos Icon, which St. Pelagia miraculously discovered, is carried in the procession.

This year, more than 10,000 people filled the streets of Tinos in honor of the Mother of God and St. Pelagia, reports Vima Orthodoxias.

The icon discovered by St. Pelagia is one of those that were painted by St. Luke the Evangelist, who personally knew the Most Holy Theotokos.

The procession lasted three hours:

Upon arrival at the monastery, the Icon was enthroned next to the marble reliquary of the skull of St. Pelagia, and the Divine Liturgy was celebrated by Metropolitan Dorotheos of Tinos.

Read more about the finding of the Panagia of Tinos Icon here and about St. Pelagia of Tinos here.

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