Grave of Bulgaria’s Patriarch Neofit desecrated for second time

Sofia, July 26, 2024

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The grave of His Holiness Patriarch Neofit of Bulgaria was desecrated recently for the second time since his repose on March 13.

The Bulgarian Patriarchate reports:

An unknown person has desecrated the mother-of-pearl icon of the Resurrection of Christ, placed on the cross at the grave of the late Patriarch Neofit of Bulgaria and Metropolitan of Sofia, located under the colonnade of the St. Nedelya Metropolitan Cathedral in the capital. The violation occurred in the early hours of July 20.

Actions have been taken to restore the icon, and law enforcement authorities have been notified about the incident.

In April, a man who was diagnosed as schizophrenic after being apprehended vandalized the grave twice in one week, breaking the cross and damaging part of the marble surrounding the grave.

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