UN approves draft resolution against heroization of Nazism, prepared by Russia

New York, November 22, 2013

Opening of the monument punitive police battalions legion Waffen SS. Latvia Opening of the monument punitive police battalions legion Waffen SS. Latvia
126 member-countries of the UN have voted for the draft resolution, while the USA, Canada, and the republic of Palau have voted against it. 50 other countries, including EU states, have abstained from voting.

The UN General Assembly committee has approved the draft resolution that calls to struggle against heroization of Nazism and other kinds and forms of racism, race discrimination, xenophobia and intolerance.

The text of the document, prepared by the delegation of the Russian Federation in co-authorship with over 40 states, has been approved at the third committee of the General Assembly, which is in charge of human rights issues.

Now the document will be submitted for consideration by the plenary session of the General Assembly.

Voting is scheduled for December.



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