Archbishop Jovan of Ohrid to be released from prison on January 19

Skopje, January 13, 2015


The Greek Church news agency Romfea has published exclusive news: Archbishop Jovan (Vraniskovski) of Ohrid, who is currently serving the prison sentence in Macedonia, will be released on January 19, 2015.

According to the agency’s information, the judicial authorities have resolved to release Archbishop Jovan after the hierarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church served three years and two months in prisons of the Republic of Macedonia.

In the agency’s view, the recent visit of Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) of Volokolamsk to Skopje played a decisive role in making this decision. The Metropolitan insisted in arranging a meeting with the Archbishop of Ohrid. For this purpose Archbishop Jovan was taken from the prison to the “Mother Teresa” clinic, reports Sedmitza.


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