Updated map of churches and monasteries of the Russian Church is available online

Moscow, June 25, 2015


Dioceses, monasteries, convents, and parish churches of the Russian Orthodox Church have taken part in the most large-scale Church internet-project, “The universal map of churches and monasteries”, whose beta version recently became available for internet users on the Moscow Patriarchate’s official website.

The pilot version of the project includes more than 15,000 Orthodox sites and embraces not only the territory of the Russian Federation, but also the Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova. Other countries are to be included in the project as well. The data of “The universal map of churches” will be shared with the largest secular web services as part of their joint partnership programs.



Editor3/6/2017 2:48 pm
Here is the link to the map: http://map.patriarhia.ru/?map=55.75396,37.62039,10&t=0
Amanda Sura3/6/2017 4:29 am
Can you please post a link on the website where this information is available?

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