Elder Simeon Kragiopoulos Reposes in the Lord

The Holy Monastery of the Nativity of the Theotokos (Panorama). Photo: Lessons From a Monastery The Holy Monastery of the Nativity of the Theotokos (Panorama). Photo: Lessons From a Monastery

On September 30, 2015 at 6:00 AM, Elder Simeon Kragiopoulos, abbot of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Panorama, Thessaloniki reposed in the Lord, reports the blog Lessons From a Monastery. In recent years he largely kept silence due to his failing health but he was known throughout as a God-bearing elder and teacher of the true faith.

The elder leaves behind many soul-profiting words:

Spiritual work happens secretly in the heart. Externally, let everything else threaten us, like the sea: the wind blows, waves rise. But deep down it’s all quiet, peaceful, serene.

This is how a man who trusts in God lives. There might be a wild rage out there, but deep down nothing hinders the soul from having mystical communion with God, mystical love for God. Quietly and mystically, in a special way that the heart perceives, the Lord is whispering: “Don’t be afraid. I am here. Keep walking this path. Keep loving Me, keep believing in Me, keep following Me.”

It’s not enough to suffer myriad things in life. When, though, you believe in God and accept all these—whatever it is that happens to you—gladly, for the love of God, God will make a saint out of you.

* * *

However, we know that we have a Saviour, we know that Christ came to earth. Then we start to understand what it means that he came to save us, and we run to the Saviour. We run to the Lord with pain, with prayer, with a cry, with faith, with hope and a firm conviction that the Lord will accept us and will save us. The Lord wants us to approach things exactly like this. This is not our own daring or our own boldness. He wants us act just like that, to entrust ourselves in this way, and for this reason he gave us promises. So someone does this work, and little by little the decay of his soul, that lies in the subconscious and the unconscious, emerges.

* * *

For us to have right communion with Christ, it is necessary that our entire soul becomes conscious, that it comes into the light, into the grace of God, and that nothing remains in darkness. However, no matter how much someone believes, no matter how much he, every day, makes a new start in the true life and struggles to give himself and devote himself to God, he must realize this vital point: that within him, the ego, pride, and selfishness, live and rule. This self-love, this self-worship, lives and reigns. Therefore, man must become humble: every day, he must increase in humility. We have many things, many realities from our everyday life that help us with this work.

He who truly loves humility, and desires to become humble, begs God for this. In this way, in the beginning, and imperceptibly –later perhaps more truly—he starts, little by little, to feel this, the emptying of the soul from the ego, from selfishness, from the idol which we have installed within us. And so if one is completely humbled, surrenders himself to God and is devoted to him—meaning that every day he makes a new beginning, from which the whole object of his soul will finally come into the light of God—in truth, man will arrive at this state which the Lord promises to us.

           But what is this state?

The Lord didn’t come simply to die Himself. Rather, He said that we will also die with Him. And in the same way that He Himself resurrected, we also will resurrect. Whatever Christ is after the resurrection, this man also becomes when he is united to Christ. He is not simply a good man who thought up some good things. Christian means little Christ. In the end, Christ will make each one of us whatever He is himself. He does not simply advise us from the outside, but enters into us and takes us into Himself. We are united and become like unto Him. Even from this life we become like unto Christ, but this will become complete in the next life.

I pray this for all of us.

These words, and many more can be found here.



John Edward Patrick12/16/2019 9:09 pm
Father Symeon Kragiopolis passed in 2015 I understand. I am interested in buying books of his Spiritual Messages apparently compiled by someone else. I've seen Spiritual Messages 2017 and 2019. I am seeking to purchase some of these books for my bookstore at Saints Raphael, Nicholas and Irene Greek Orthodox Church in Cumming, Georgia, USA. Please let me know if you can help.
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