Archpriest Alexander Berezovsky
Striving for Christ must be unceasing and permanent.
Archimandrite Melchisedek (Artiukhin)
Rating: 10|Votes: 12
Is it true when they say that Christians shouldn’t be brave? How can we combine courage with humility? What does it mean to “turn the other cheek”? When is particular courage required of a Christian? What should a Christian really fear?
Nikita Filatov, Archpriest Leonid Kalinin
Rating: 9.8|Votes: 4
Is secular art capable of talking about God, or is this the prerogative of church art only? When and why does an artist start to support evil? Is there a chasm between secular and church art, or can they interact with each other? Are modern technologies and styles permissible in the Church?
Nikita Filatov, Archpriest Maxim Obukhov
Rating: 10|Votes: 1
What shift in the public consciousness makes the population accept homicide? In our talk with Archpriest Maxim Obukhov, director of the “Life” (“Zhizn”) Orthodox medical and educational center, we discuss this and other issues caused by the spread of the “good death”, that is, euthanasia.
Nikita Filatov, Archpriest Andrei Goryachev
Rating: 10|Votes: 9
Today, we are talking with Archpriest Andrei Goryachev, rector of this church, who speaks the same language as those who cannot hear and understands perfectly those who cannot speak.