Pro-life cross procession in Belgrade

Source: OCP News Service

Belgrade, Serbia, April 11, 2016


On the seventh of April a third pro-life cross procession took place in the Serbian capital city of Belgrade. The event had the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

The procession took place in the centre of Belgrade. Its participants went around the Serbian parliament building (Narodna skupština) and delivered a petition addressed to the head of the parliament and dedicated to the necessity of banning abortion in Serbia. The petition was delivered by Radojko Ljubicic, the organizer of the procession and a famous Serbian pro-life activist.


Later on the same day the conference “Natality or the death of Serbia” was opened in the Serbian Academy of Science. The conference lasted two days.

And on the ninth of April the presentation of a new pro-life documentary called “Athos – pro-life! The legacy of Saint Paisios of Mount Athos” for a Serbian audience took place. The film made by the Belarusian journalists Artem Mahakeev and Matvey Rodov in cooperation with Russian pro-life activists was presented in the cathedral of Saint Sava on the Vračar plateau in Belgrade.



OCP News Service


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