The Icon of the Mother of God known as "the Healer"

Commemorated September 18 / October 1


"The Healer" Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most ancient (sixth Century). In the 18th Century, another icon with the same name was glorified with miracles. St. Dimity of Rostov's book, "The Bedewed Fleece" contains the following account of the miraculous sign of the Theotokos: Vincent Bulvenenskiy, a cleric of the Navarninsk church, had a pious custom of prostrating himself before the image of the Mother of God as he would enter or exit the church and say the following short prayer: Rejoice, O full of Grace! The Lord is with Thee! Blessed is the womb that carried Christ, and the paps which fed our Lord God and Savior!" Once this pious cleric fell ill with a dangerous sickness: His tongue began to rot, and the pain was so great that he would lose his mind. Coming to, the ailing one would say his usual prayer to the Theotokos; then he immediately saw a beautiful youth at his bedside. This was his Guardian Angel. Looking with compassion upon the ailing one, the angel called to the Most Holy Theotokos, raising up a prayer of healing. Suddenly the Theotokos Herself appeared and sent a sign of Her ineffable mercy: the sick one felt himself to be completely healthy, entered the church, and went to the kliros with the other chanters.

The Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before Her icon called "The Healer"

“Accept, O All-Blessed and All-Powerful Mistress Virgin Theotokos, these prayers which we, your unworthy servants offer with tears before Your healing image, lifting up our song with compunction as if You Yourself were here, listening to our prayer. For You answer every petition, alleviate sorrows, grant health to the ailing, heal the weak and ill, drive away the demons from the possessed, deliver the offended from misfortune, cleanse the impure and have mercy upon little children. Moreover, O Mistress Lady Theotokos, you free from chains the imprisoned and heal all manner of passions. For everything is possible by Your intercession before your Son, Christ our God. O Most Lauded Mother, Most Holy Theotokos! Do not cease to intercede for us your unworthy servants who glorify and venerate You, bowing down before Your Most Pure image with compunction, and having unfeigned hope and undoubting faith in You, the Ever Virgin Most Glorious and Pure, now and ever and unto the ages of ages Amen.”

Parish Life, October 2023
St. John the Baptist Cathedral, Washington, DC


Jane10/3/2023 3:44 am
I was praying the Prayer to the Theotokos you have printed here. There is surely a typing error in the last sentence of the prayer. We Orthodox do not worship our Most Holy Theotokos, as it is written there. May the Holy and most glorious Mother of our God intercede for us to her Son, our Lord and God, who alone we worship.
Editor10/2/2023 10:19 am
Elizabeth: The words in the lower left corner are a description of the miracle.
Elizabeth10/2/2023 7:50 am
Thank you for this article. Very timely. What is the translation of the words in the bottom right and top right of the icon? Is it the prayer mentioned in your article? May we all have the blessing of our Holy Lady!
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