Source: St. Elizabeth Convent
January 25, 2017

“The truly intelligent man pursues one sole objective: to obey and conform to the God of all. With this single aim in view, he disciplines his soul, and whatever he may encounter in the course of his life, he gives thanks to God for the compass and depth of His providential ordering of all things.” (St. Anthony the Great, The Philokalia)
Nun Olga: Once, during a dialogue with Elder Sophrony (Sakharov) people were talking about humility. One of the monks said that lack of humility is our personal self. I would rather add that disobedience is our personal self as well.

Every person has experienced moments when you just do what you should do. And there is no need to philosophize. Sometimes your own will seems so alluring that it can even make you reject your obedience. It depends on what a person will choose. And we have to make our choice every day. In other words, we are the architects of our happiness.
As a rule, something that makes you protest most of all, appears to be the most saving for your soul. I would like to wish that our trust in God prevails over our inner voice, which always tries to scare us and says that everything we do is absolutely senseless.
Read the rest at St. Elizabeth Convent