Schema-Archimandrite Gabriel Bunge, Vasily Tsuper
Rating: 9,8|Votes: 68
Monasticism does not exist for any specific purposes related to this world. To quote an anonymous author of The History of Egyptian Monks (fourth century), “From the very beginning, the purpose of monasticism was following Christ in the desert, singing hymns and psalms and waiting for our Lord to come.” This seeming “uselessness” makes monasticism free from any services within the Church structure.
Nun Cornelia (Rees), Schema-Archimandrite Gabriel Bunge
Rating: 9|Votes: 48
There are so many traces of the undivided Church, the beginnings of Christianity, and by these very archeological facts, I was “pushed” to dig deeper into the foundations of the Church. I am a historian by formation, a numismatic.