VIDEO: Russian Priest Explains Why Westerners Are Converting To Orthodox Christianity

Source: Russia Insider (YouTube)

October 8, 2017

In this short video, well-known Russian priest Fr. Andrei Tkachev talks about the phenomenon of people converting to Orthodox Christianity throughout the world, here esecially focusing on America and Turkey. As Fr. Andrei explains, people are looking for the deeper undercurrent of their lives and cultures, and are finding it in the Christ's true Orthodox Church.


Anthony1/27/2018 3:09 pm
Ayios Paisios and Geronda Iosif Vatopaidinos prophesied years ago that Turks would convert back to Orthodoxy A lot of them come go to the Hellenic Motherland's islands to be baptised, and now live as crypto-Christians until Asia Minor will become Hellenic and Orthodox again. Ayios Porfyrios said there will come a time when wolf and sheep (turk and Greek) will live together in peace. As for western konvertsie, sadly from experience a lot of them come to our faith, and then act like our teachers (Toll Houses = point in question), turning our Faith into Hungarian Goulash. Sadly for the most part the prideful Babylonian mind simply cannot be tamed. Tragic. Truly truly tragic.
Steve cox1/25/2018 5:20 am
We all need to keep Turkey in our prayers to continue the conversion to Orthodoxy.
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