Abbot Hilarion (Lupulovic)
Rating: 9.5|Votes: 31
The reality of the Kingdom of Heaven begins when we stop calculating, doing statistics, playing number and word games, analyzing, dividing, and dissecting. The life of the Church begins when we enter into a deeper experience that unites us together.
Abbot Ilarion (Lupulovic)
Rating: 9.6|Votes: 19
Man must step forward outside of himself in order to be joyful, to feel the fullness of life. Man must live in ecstasy, which is a word that denotes this stepping outside of oneself.
Rating: 10|Votes: 7
"Only the one who is a child can be called a father. And he is a father not because of himself but because he reflects the mystery of our Heavenly Father Who loves us through His Son and in His Son."