Stacy12/27/2024 10:34 am
l have been an admirer of the Czarist Russia for many years and have been particularly interested in Czar Nicholas and his family. His love for his wife was steadfast and earnest throughout his life and he was the perfect family man to his daughters and his young son heir to the throne yet suffering from Hemophilia. l don’t think Alexi would have ever made it to the throne he was very sick at the time of death. lt still bothers me that England abandoned them at their hour of need and did not rescue them. l have heard the lame excuses but they really should be ashamed of themselves. They were family to Queen Victoria after all.
Nicholas Pohl3/15/2021 2:37 am
Looks like my Uncle "Douglas Pohl" of Valley Stream NY. He also could have passed for Prefontaine. You wonder if we were related. We are of German Decent, Roman Catholic. My name is Nicholas. I have recently converted to Eastern Orthodoxy
L. Salt12/8/2019 3:46 pm
Thank you for these amazing pictures and the post. I wish there was some more information under each photo about where and when it was made.
Robert J Howie12/2/2019 4:16 am
Been a Tsarist admirer since a youth at my Glasgow secondary school decades ago and even more so now. I put up a picture of the Imperial family on an annual calendar and send one to my sister who is of the same historical stance as myself. The more I have read about the family how down to earth they were with people and deeply loved each other as well as being strong Orthodox. Have books on them including one excellently detailed descriptions of the daughters. As a captain in The Boys' Brigade for years our fife and drum band played God Save the Tsar at our annual inspection & display! Such a sad and terrible family loss and the system that followed a horrible disgrace.
John Spencer11/24/2019 3:43 am
I would like the remainder of the bodies of the Grand Duchess Maria and the Tsar's son who became the Tsar Alexei II at the moment that his father was murdered with two bullets, to be found. I think I know where the remains are. I will be sending an e-mail to Vladimir Putin to have a search made. Granny Allina is a very interesting case. Her body was buried without a coffin next to her husband in South Africa. Two very different tests were done on the skeleton that confirmed that these remains are identical to that of her Imperial Majesty The Grand Duchess Maria. The DNA failed but it is not surprising because the soil that surrounded the body for fifty years, was a dirty sort of orange mid brown, which surely polluted the bones? I think that the soil had iron ore in it a lot. The 44 bone fragments found in 2007, have been buried with their dear family in St Petersburg. To have their entire skeletons will be wonderful, because they all loved being together as much as possible as a family. Maria and Alexei have been missing ever since that evil day of the vile slaughter. At least three of the Grand Duchesses were butchered so very badly that some of their murderers vomited at what happened, to such gracious young ladies. Alexei was very brave because he pretended to be dead like his sister Maria, because he wanted to survive to be a soldier of all the Russias. Hoping that the nearest male relative will enthroned as Tsar of All The Russias, after a very long sad break.
Eric7/4/2018 11:30 am
Great pictures!
Thomas Driscoll6/23/2018 4:08 pm
Excellent pictures hi
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