Video of myrrh-streaming icon of St. Michael in Serbian monastery in Croatia appears on Twitter

Kistanje, Croatia, May 27, 2019
Updated 5/27/2019, 10:30 PM with information from

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Video and a picture of a myrrh-streaming icon of the Archangel Michael from Krka Serbian Orthodox Monastery near Kistanje, Croatia were published on Twitter on May 23.

In the video and photograph, posted by Daniel Maximovitch, streams of myrrh can be seen running from the corner of each of Archangel Michael’s eyes.

According to the Serbian site, His Grace Bishop Nikodim of Dalmatia spoke about the miracle in his homily on Friday, saying: “A few days ago, in the monastery of Krka, the icon of St. Archangel Michael, who stands at the very entrance of the church, was weeping.”

The site also reports that His Holiness Patriarch Irinej was informed about the icon, who said it was a miracle.


Krka Monastery, dedicated to the Archangel Michael, is the best known monastery of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Croatia. It is located near the river Krka, in central Dalmatia, and is officially protected as part of the Krka National Park.

The monastery itself dates to the 14th century. The current Church of St. Michael was built in 1422 and restored several times over the centuries. Other monastery buildings date to the 18th and 19th centuries.

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