Sofia, November 6, 2014

On November 1, 2014, prominent Orthodox writer and opponent of ecumenism Hieromonk Vissarion of the Bulgarian Zograf Monastery on Holy Mount Athos took the great schema, reports the Bulgarian Patriarchate’s official website.
His confessor, Schema-Archimandrite Amvrosios, Abbot of Zograf Monastery, led him by his mantle (mantiya). In the schema the writer-hieromonk was named Demetrius, in honor of Greatmartyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki, the Myrrh-Streamer, who was a champion of the Orthodox faith.
This is NOT SPAM !!!!!!
My mother had a stroke!
Please understand. For good soul people.
Help! Please! It is very necessary for us! We Appreciate It! This is the most valuable!
WE NEED YOUR PRAYER. I ASK YOU. I ASK YOU. Pray for my mother. YOU ARE ABLE TO PRAY RIGHTLY. Your Prayers Heavenly Father Hears. Ask him in prayers to help my mother. I kiss you hands and feet. PLEASE PRAY FOR HER. HELP HER !!!!
This is only at your discretion!
Excuse me and my mother. Forgive us. For our request. Only if you can. Only if you have the opportunity. If you do not mind. We want to pray correctly to Heavenly Father for Salvation. Please s