An Appeal from Holy Trinity Monastery

Source: Holy Trinity Monastery

Jordanville, NY, September 15, 2016


Dear Supporters of our Monastery!

As you may know, part of our apiary burnt down in 2014, causing $20,000 worth of damage. Brother Lev, our beekeeper, has been trying to rebuild it as well as he can. He needs to repair an existing building in order to process this year's harvest. So far he has been extracting honey by hand in the kitchen!

We have already invested in digging a well and extending power lines to the apiary to provide water and electricity to the site.

Now we need $4,000 to make essential repairs to the apiary building in order to process honey normally this year.

The apiary has been an important part of the monastery for decades. We need your support for the apiary to continue to operate.

You can support this project by donating using PayPal on the monastery website - e.html. Please write "Apiary" in the "Add special instructions to the seller" section of the donation review page.

You can also write a check to Holy Trinity Monastery with "Apiary" in the memo. Please mail checks to Holy Trinity Monastery, P.O. Box 36, Jordanville, NY 13361.

May God bless you for your generosity!

With love in Christ,
Archimandrite Luke
Abbot of Holy Trinity Monastery

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