Blessed Elesbaan the King of Ethiopia

Commemorated on October 24/November 6

Saint Elesbaan, King of Ethiopia lived when Arabia was ruled by Dunaan, the oppressor of Christians. The pious Elesbaan was unable to look on indifferently as believers in Christ were being massacred. He declared war on Dunaan, but his military campaign was unsuccessful.

Wishing to learn the reason for his defeat, Elesbaan, with prompting from above, turned to a certain hermit. He revealed to the emperor that he had proceeded unrighteously in deciding to take revenge against Dunaan, since the Lord had said, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay!” (Heb 10:30).

The hermit counseled Saint Elesbaan make a vow to devote his final days of life to God, to escape the wrath of God for his self-willed revenge, and then to defeat Dunaan. Saint Elesbaan made a vow to the Lord, and marching off with his army against the enemy, he defeated, captured and executed him. After the victory the saint resigned as emperor, secluded himself within a monastery and for fifteen years he dwelt in strict fasting and asceticism.

See also
“We are One in Christ:” The Missionary Work of “Orthodox Africa” “We are One in Christ:” The Missionary Work of “Orthodox Africa”
Jesse Dominick, Fr. Silouan (Brown)
“We are One in Christ:” The Missionary Work of “Orthodox Africa” “We are One in Christ:” The Missionary Work of “Orthodox Africa”
A Conversation with Fr. Silouan (Brown) on His Missionary Trip to Kenya and the Continuing Work
Jesse Dominick, Fr. Silouan (Brown)
Last July I sat down with Fr. Silouan (Brown) to ask him about his upcoming mission trip to Kenya, on behalf of the charitable organization “Orthodox Africa” he founded as a way for the global Orthodox community to be able to participate in the furtherance of God’s Kingdom by providing a means for the average layman who may not be able to travel to faraway lands, to participate in global missionary work. The organization works with several mission and shelters in Kenya. In this follow-up interview, Fr. Silouan shares his thoughts and reflections on the trip, how it compared to expectations, what he learned about how to better serve the people of Africa, and about the bond of Orthodox Christians worldwide, rooted in our common faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Mass Baptisms in Eastern Africa Mass Baptisms in Eastern Africa Mass Baptisms in Eastern Africa Mass Baptisms in Eastern Africa
Photo gallery
Photo gallery
In August of 2014, Bishop Innocent of Burundi and Rwanda (Orthodox Church of Alexandria) baptized several hundred Africans.
Ethiopia: In Quest of Divine Promise Ethiopia: In Quest of Divine Promise Ethiopia: In Quest of Divine Promise Ethiopia: In Quest of Divine Promise
In a dark, sooty room lit with a blaze emanating from a handful of traditional ovens, men stir dough and bake in absolute silence. While some keep the fire burning by inserting chopped woods into the oven, others pile the dough on to the clay oven.
John4/26/2021 1:33 am
There are no sources on him being included in a synaxarion until recently. This smells of compromise to miaphysites considering he was one and never repented or tried to do so.
Editor11/11/2020 12:12 am
Lana: No, otherwise he could not have been included in the calendar of Orthodox saints.
Lana Ivanova11/10/2020 9:12 pm
Was he a Monophysite?
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