“Such beautiful faces…”

Rare photographs of the Royal Family from six family albums

Such beautiful faces,
And how pale, so hopelessly,
The Heir, the Empress,
And the four Grand Princesses…
Georgiy Ivanov, 1949

A hundred years ago today, a murder was committed that would have enormous consequences for the whole world. Emperor Nicholas II of Russia and his wife and children, Empress Alexandra, Tsarevich Alexei, and Grand Princesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia, along with a handful of dedicated servants, were shot to death in the basement of the Ipatiev house in Ekaterinburg. This pious, remarkable family became heavenly intercessors for their native Russia, and indeed for all of us Orthodox Christians who honor their holy memory.

We present these rare photographs of the Royal Family dated between 1917 and 1915, from six family albums that were taken out of Russia by the Empress’s lady-in-waiting, Anna Vyrobova. In 1937, these albums were sold to student of Yale University Robert Bruster, who in turn gifted them to his alma mater in 1951. Since that time, they have been preserved in Yale’s Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Not long ago this “Romanov” archive was scanned and archived for public access.

Prepared by Anton Pospelov

17 июля 2018 г.

Silvia 1/25/2025 1:53 am
Un dolor indescriptible siento al verlos en la foto !!! Lástima me dan esas chicas q podrían haber estado casadas y así salvar su vida.Pero Dios, tenía preparado otro destino para todas ellos.Inseparables en la vida y en la muerte !!!!Oramos para la salvación eterna de sus almas!!!!
Emile Hesta8/8/2019 11:37 pm
As an example for all of us too.
Holy royal passion bearers save orthodox Russia and pray for us sinners.
Feodor Yakimoff7/4/2019 6:24 am
It always gives me tremendous grief to see these wonderful photos of Holly members of Russian Imperial Family who were brutally murdered by the Bolsheviks. Holly martyrs save us sinners and our souls.
Darrel R Hoffman2/22/2019 4:51 pm
Amazing!!! How can I get copies?
BRENO SERGIO NEVES8/25/2018 7:44 pm
good very good
Laura Crockett7/22/2018 5:02 pm
Lovely, lovely family. Inwardly as well as outwardly. Thank you for making it easy to share. The younger generation needs to know and understand this story. It needs to understand the evil that existed then, and exists now.
russell wright7/19/2018 10:18 pm
Such witness to a Christian life, such love and purity. the Orthodox church was totally right to canonise the entire family.
Robert Harbord-Hamond7/18/2018 4:05 pm
There for the grace of God goes other Royal families.
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