Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

Photo Gallery

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle (Stojčević ) of Serbia (September 11, 1914-November 15, 2009) lived a long life full of Christian asceticism. His simplicity, meekness, and humility, combined with his strict asceticism inspired the love that millions of believers had for him during his lifetime. Many already considered him a living saint, and after his repose, faith in the holiness of Patriarch Pavle is growing ever more and strengthening in the hearts of the faithful. Today marks the ninth anniversary of his falling asleep in the Lord.

Gojko Stojčević 

Gojko Stojčević –a student of the theological school

Gojko Stojčević –a student of the theological school

At Rača Monastery, 1955

Bishop Pavle of Raška and Prizren, 1957

Bishop Pavle of Raška and Prizren

Bishop Pavle of Raška and Prizren

Bishop Pavle of Raška and Prizren

With Patriarch German of Serbia in Prizren

His Holiness Patriarch German of Serbia and Bishop Pavle of Raška and Prizren in the yard at Prizren Seminary with students and teachers

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

Patriarch Pavle was known to often use city transport

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle often walked about Belgrade on foot

Patriarch Pavle was known to often use city transport

Patriarch Pavle was known to often use city transport

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle often walked about Belgrade on foot

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle often walked about Belgrade on foot

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

With Patriarch Alexei II of Moscow and All Russia, Belgrade, 1999

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

Patriarch Pavle at Gračanica Monastery in Kosovo and Metohija

At a reception of His Holiness Patriarch Alexei II, Moscow, 2002

During a visit to Moscow, 2002

During a visit to Moscow

Patriarch Pavle at Visoki Dečani Monastery

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

Patriarch Pavle at the Monastery of the Archangels

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

At the Patriarchate

Paschal greetings

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

At the Peć Patriarchate in Kosovo and Metohija

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

Farewell to Patriarch Pavle. Photo: Hieromonk Ignaty (Shestakov)

Farewell to Patriarch Pavle. Photo: Hieromonk Ignaty (Shestakov)

Metropolitan Philaret of Minsk and Slutsk serves a litany for the departed during the funeral for Patriarch Pavle, Belgrade, 2009. Photo: Hieromonk Ignaty (Shestakov)

Farewell to Patriarch Pavle. Photo: Hieromonk Ignaty (Shestakov)

Modern fresco, Kruševac, Serbia. Photo: Hieromonk Ignaty (Shestakov)

Modern fresco, Church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos in Lešak, Kosovo and Metohija. Iconographer: Goran Ilic

Postage stamp issued for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Patriarch Pavle of Serbia in 2014

Translated by Jesse Dominick

15 ноября 2019 г.

Michael Steele5/21/2024 3:10 am
May his memory be eternal! A man who never stopped working on his own personal theosis, as evidenced by his stance against war crimes, late in life. A favorite of mine. An example for all!
Mircea10/28/2022 4:35 pm
Does somebody know if Patriarch Pavle was against the ecumenism ?!
Gary Kulesus10/8/2020 2:09 am
I rate the photo compilation of Pariarch Pavel a 10.00 May we all pray an emulate him and his St. Hood. God Bless us All. Gary Kulesus, Michigan USA
Anna South11/16/2019 10:51 pm
What an honorable tribute to almost holy man. May Patriarch Pavel pray to God for us.
Zaharina11/16/2019 6:03 pm
Saintly man! Please pray for us sinners and for the Orthodox Church!
Moderator11/16/2019 2:15 pm
Matthew Panchisin: In general we don't use the rating system any more, because there were some strange people who would always rate articles low just to be contrary. Also, people sometimes hit the wrong number by mistake and it can't be undone.
Elena Borowski (maiden name Dragicevic)11/16/2019 10:21 am
Thank you for sharing the story of this wonderful human being. Happy to have read it.
Matthew Panchisin11/16/2019 5:46 am
Patriarch Pavle of Serbia Photo Gallery Rating: 9,2 Votes: 70 It would be revealing to know the names of the individuals that are against this beautiful representation relative to the ever so loving and kind Patriarch Pavle of Serbia of thrice blessed memory! I'd like to know for the sake of the recognition of those that are so vehemently against Christ His Church and His Saints. Why don't they volunteer their identities so we exactly who the enemies are in our midst?
Biserka Brito1/13/2019 9:25 am
I pray to Patriarch Pavle as he was filled with simplicity and renown for his humility.
I love him as a saintly leading Pastor who deeply loved and served our Lord Jesus Christ.
Guillaume12/28/2018 1:34 pm
A holy man. May he intercede for the Church of Ukraine. Eternal memory. J'espère que le traducteur n'aura pas fait trop de fautes.Un Saint Homme et une de ces superbes figures de l'Orthodoxie. Je suis sur qu'il prie pour l'Eglise Orthodoxe d'Ukraine et pour son pasteur le Métropolite de Kiev et de toute l'Ukraine Onuphre.
Santosh John Samuel11/19/2018 3:02 pm
Very beautifully done tribute -- it conveys the Patriarch's simplicity, his holiness and his otherworldliness. Just looking at the photographs gives us a yearning to live our lives well. Regards from an Oriental Orthodox from India.
Paul Nicholls11/18/2018 4:11 am
May he intercede for all our intentions. Rest eternally in peace.
Nisibis11/17/2018 8:11 am
I truly love Patriarch Pavle, he is a true saint. Pray unto God for us dear Father.
Ronald Mitrovich 11/15/2018 5:59 pm
Presentation was very well organized and a true tribute to a
Great man!
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