First Liturgy celebrated at Syrian Church after city liberated from terrorists (+ VIDEO)

Arbin, Syria, December 20, 2019

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After suffering under terrorist attacks and threats for 8 years, the faithful of the St. George Orthodox Church in Arbin, Lebanon, in the Damascus countryside, are now spiritually rejoicing.

As the Syrian Arab News Agency reported on December 13, the first Liturgy was recently celebrated at the Church after the city was liberated from terrorism in March 2018. The Free Syrian Army took control of the city on July 2, 2012, and it was reported to be under rebel control as of December 7, 2012.

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The Liturgy, which was held in a hall belonging to the damaged church, was celebrated in preparation for the start of its restoration. The service was celebrated by Patriarchal Vicar His Grace Bishop Lucas (al-Khouri).

“The Syrians are determined to return to their cities to rebuild them,” Patriarchal Vicar His Grace Bishop John (Batash) said, hailing the victories of the Syrian army in defense of the homeland.

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Services will be celebrated in the hall next to the church until the restoration of the church is completed.

The first Liturgy was celebrated at St. Thekla’s Monastery in Maaloula, Syria in August 2018

after the city was liberated from terrorists.

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