Thousands of Cypriots Chant the Akathist Hymn From Their Balconies (+VIDEOS)

Source: Mystagogy

April 4, 2020


Orthodox Christians in Limassol, Cyprus went out on their balconies Friday evening, 3 April 2020, holding candles and chanting the Akathist Hymn, accompanied by a live radio broadcast of the service from the Cathedral Church of Agia Napa.

Thousands of worshipers accepted the call of a group of Limassol citizens who took the initiative for this group prayer and sent the message that "this virus will not defeat us, it will not shake our faith."

Only a priest and chanters and a sexton are allowed in churches of Cyprus during the coronavirus pandemic. This event took place with the blessing of Metropolitan Athanasios of Limassol.

... Read the rest at Mystagogy.


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