Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens undergoes successful pacemaker surgery

Kallithea, Greece, April 6, 2020

Photo: Romfea Photo: Romfea     

Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens, the President of the Holy Synod of the Greek Orthodox Church, is recovering well after undergoing pacemaker surgery over the weekend.

He was admitted to the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center in Kallithea on Saturday morning at the recommendation of his treating physicians, reports Romfea.

The Archbishop presided over the celebration of the Salutations to the Most Holy Theotokos with the Akathist hymn the evening before at the Cathedral of the Annunciation in Athens, the sole church that remains open in Greece.

Former Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos contacted His Beatitude by phone to wish him a speedy recovery, as did Patriarch Bartholomew, numerous hierarchs of the Greek Church, and other public officials.

The Archbishop was discharged from the hospital yesterday, Sunday, April 5.

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