Orthodox monk murdered in Republika Srpska

Babići, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, December 8, 2020

Photo: Facebook Photo: Facebook     

Monks and locals are in shock after discovering the brutal murder of a long-time monk of Glogovac Monastery in the village of Babići in Republika Sprska.

Photo: Facebook Photo: Facebook The fatal stabbing of Fr. Stefan was reported on Facebook by Archimandrite Varnava (Damjanović) of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Bihać and Petrovac:

In disbelief and sorrow, we inform all those who love Glogovac Monastery that today, in the evening of December 7, an unknown perpetrator killed Fr. Stefan, a long-time monk of Glogovac Monastery, with a knife. All the details of this horrible crime will be announced to the public after the police investigation, as well as the time of the funeral of the departed Monk Stefan. Eternal memory to you, our father and brother Stefan.

Police are looking for a suspect, but detailed information has not been released. It has not yet been confirmed whether Fr. Stefan was killed on the territory of the monastery, reports rs.n1info.com.

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Emmanuel S. Anthou12/8/2020 10:49 pm
May his memory be eternal! AIONIA H MNHMH!
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