The Feast of the Ascension in Belgrade


On the Ascension of the Lord (Spasovdan), June 10, a traditional cross procession was held, led by His Holiness Patriarch Porfirije of Serbia, through the center of Belgrade in honor of the city’s Slava.

It was attended by tens of thousands of believers, city authorities, several hundred priests, members of the Serbian army, representatives of the police and various municipal services, as well as medical workers—the heroes of the fight against the epidemic. There were many children’s church choirs, sports clubs, city orchestras, and cultural organizations.

The procession made its way from the Ascension Church to the Cathedral of St. Sava, where a festive moleben was held.

Representatives of the Serbian armed forces with the icon of the Ascension of the Lord

Children’s choir participants before the start of the procession

His Holiness Patriarch Porfirije

By the Ascension Church in Belgrade

Patriarch Porfirije

On the streets of Belgrade

On the streets of Belgrade

On the streets of Belgrade

Honor guard with the Icon of the Mother of God of Three Hands

Icon of St. Stefan Lazarević

Icon of the Mother of God of Three Hands

On the square in front of St. Sava Cathedral

On the square in front of St. Sava Cathedral

On the square in front of St. Sava Cathedral

On the square in front of St. Sava Cathedral

On the square in front of St. Sava Cathedral

On the square in front of St. Sava Cathedral

Patriarch Porfirije

At the moleben in St. Sava Cathedral

At the moleben in St. Sava Cathedral

Before the moleben in St. Sava Cathedral

Moleben at St. Sava Cathedral

Moleben at St. Sava Cathedral

Moleben at St. Sava Cathedral

Moleben at St. Sava Cathedral
Translation by Jesse Dominick
C. Ovid7/13/2021 11:25 am
Isn‘t there Covid in Belgrade?
Barbara Bone7/8/2021 8:05 pm
Glory Be To God! Glory Be Forever. Pictures warms my heart. ☦️
Momcilo6/16/2021 9:11 am
Glory be to God! This sight brings some hope and joy to our very sad times.
Alexander Leitner6/15/2021 9:04 pm
Beautiful! And the Most Holy Trojerucica Icon ????????????
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