Goshen, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 17, 2021
Photo: archdiocese.ca
A great event in the life of St. Vladimir Church in Halifax, Nova Scotia (Orthodox Church in America), was celebrated this weekend, as the large Jefferson family was united to Christ in the Sacrament of Baptism.
Photo: archdiocese.ca The 11 members of the family were baptized by Fr. David Edwards and Fr. Alexander Treiger in the waters off Pomquet Beach, near Goshen, Nova Scotia, on Saturday, reports the Archdiocese of Canada.
Unfortunately, the church is currently closed by order of the Nova Scotia government, and outdoor gatherings are limited to 10 persons. However, the parish received written permission from the Chief Medical Officer for Nova Scotia to exceed the limit and celebrate the holy Baptisms.
According to the parish website, despite the interruption in Church life, Frs. David and Alexander are working to make sure the faithful can still receive Holy Communion.
May God grant the Jefferson family many years!
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