Patriarch Bartholomew to inaugurate Ground Zero church, celebrate anniversary of enthronement in America

New York, July 1, 2021

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Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople will visit America in October and November, during which time he will celebrate the anniversary of his enthronement as Patriarch and inaugurate the St. Nicholas Church at Ground Zero in New York.

In an encyclical published yesterday, Archbishop Elpidophoros of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America announced that the Patriarch will make his first visit to America in 12 years from October 23 to November 3.

He was initially scheduled to visit in May 2020 at the invitation of then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, though his trip was postponed due to the COVID pandemic.

The 30th anniversary of Pat. Bartholomew’s enthronement as Patriarch of Constantinople will be celebrated on November 2.

His visit will also “inaugurate the Centennial Celebration of the founding of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (1922–2022), which will be observed next year across the country.”

The Patriarch will arrive in Washington, D.C., where he will be welcomed “at the highest level of diplomatic and ecclesiastical dignity.” He will also visit the Metropolises of Pittsburgh and Chicago and participate in a “major ecumenical event” at the University of Notre Dame.

Finally, his visit will conclude in New York, culminating in the “Opening of the Doors” of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center, which is being built on the site of the former St. Nicholas Church that was destroyed on 9/11.

The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese recently published photos of the interior of the St. Nicholas Church:

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Lucas7/13/2021 6:04 pm
De maskers vallen af, Constantinopel draait op een budget welke volgestort wordt van uit the States of America. Het is een maskerade van de Macht welke overal in de wereld rondgang doet en de Westerse kerken lopen gezusterlijk voorop. Dit is je reinste wereldpolitiek, waar onze Heer en Verlosser niets mee van doen heeft; in de Kerk, het Lichaam van Christus is er slechts: --." Één Heilig, één Heer tot Heerlijkheid van DE Éne en Waarachtig Levende en Barmhartige God ".-- en wordt er geen smerige politiek bedreven. Zowel Rome als Constantinopel dienen zich te bekeren, tot het Waarachtig Chritelijk Geloof !!!
Slava7/1/2021 7:38 pm
I hope everyone knows this “church” has a separate room dedicated to prayer for all faiths to come in and pray! Absolutely disgusting heresy!
Alex7/1/2021 5:27 pm
Unless there's some kind of advanced 23rd century building technology available, the boondoggle St. Nicholas Church and Shrine will not be ready in November. No way. Bartholomew and his minions can drink all of the cool aid that they want. Nothing will change that fact.
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