Archpriest Geoffrey Korz
Of course, the lockdowns were anything but good news, especially for Christians, and especially in Canada.
Now, should it surprise us, when confronted with the persecuted canonical Orthodox Church in Ukraine, that such compromised consciences might be faced with a dilemma?
Righteous kings and queens—the saintly ones—are given to us as icons, here on earth, as heads of nations, to show us grace, and holiness, and righteousness, incarnate within our very governments.
The modern Western world seems to be one of the few places where the wearing of a headscarf in a sacred temple is a matter of widespread contention. Perhaps this is to be expected, since we live in a society that is distinct from almost any other, and based entirely on individualism.
The wise priest who made this important distinction has done all our clergy and faithful a great service.
A plethora of channels offer opinions which—but for the garb and kitschy coffee cup of the presenter—are indistinguishable from secular, activist opinion commentaries, despite using the word “Orthodox” in their name.
It should be no surprise that in the decades since its debut, the Bobo has found its way into all areas of life, including places as foreign to its spirit as the Orthodox Church.