Construction moving ahead quickly at Tanzanian monastery

Kidamali, Tanzania, October 14, 2021

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Tanzania’s first monastery, named for the holy Archangel Michael and St. Paisius (Velichkovsky), celebrated its first Divine Liturgy in February

of last year.

After the service, the foundation stone was laid for the erection of a number of cells and annexes necessary for the proper functioning of the monastery.

And work at the holy monastery in Kidamali, near Iringa, is moving ahead fast. Construction on the first cells has already been completed, with work on the auxiliary spaces to follow, reports the Orthodoxia News Agency.

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According to diocesan plans, “This monastery will be a beautiful and quiet place of asceticism for the nuns, while at the same time it will be a point of spiritual reference for the Orthodox faithful of the Iringa region.”

The project is supported by friends of the Tanzanian mission from all over the world.

Last month

, OrthoChristian reported on the conversion of the village of Mobe in the Iringa Region.

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