Greek Metropolitan of Aetolia reportedly in poor health

Aetolia, Greece, December 1, 2021

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According to reports from a number of Greek outlets, the health of His Eminence Metropolitan Kosmas of Aetolia of the Orthodox Church of Greece is deteriorating.

His Eminence has been at home since November 21, when he tested positive for the coronavirus. He is among family and is being treated by trusted physicians.

The Orthodoxia News Agency reports, among others, that the Metropolitan’s health took a turn for the worse on Monday.

It was initially arranged for him to be taken to the hospital, though the ambulance was later canceled on the grounds that His Eminence wouldn’t want to be hospitalized. Meanwhile, it is reported that Met. Kosmas is on oxygen support.

His Eminence has not been vaccinated.

He has been among the most vocal

hierarchs of the Greek Church concerning the various restrictions placed on the Church during the pandemic.

He has also been among the most vocal concerning the Patriarchate of Constantinople’s anti-Orthodox actions in Ukraine. In 2019

, Met. Kosmas and Metropolitans Seraphim of Kythira, Seraphim of Piraeus, and Andreas of Dryinoupolis appealed to Patriarch Bartholomew and the heads of the other autocephalous Local Churches to convene a council to solve the Ukrainian crisis, though, sadly, Pat. Bartholomew refuses to listen to his brother bishops.

Met. Kosmas and Met. Seraphim of Kythira have come under investigation of the Greek Holy Synod for criticizing the Synod’s 2020 decision to celebrate Pascha several hours early in order to accommodate the state-mandated curfew.

The Metropolitans explained their stance before the Holy Synod in August

, though the other hierarchs deemed their explanation insufficient and called on the two to renew their episcopal vows and give their assurance of future compliance with Synodal decisions.

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