Priest builds 40 stone chapels in Bulgarian forest (+VIDEO)

Sveti Vlas, Burgas Province, Bulgaria, December 29, 2021

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Over the past decade, a spiritual path has unfolded in the forests above Sveti Vlas, a resort town on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast.

There, Fr. Petar Tsankov has been busy building 40 stone icon shrines and chapels. The locals call it the “Path of Faith” and “God’s Route,” reports

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The idea came to the 78-year-old priest nine years ago when he attended a wedding in Monte Carlo.

“After the wedding, I went up to the mountain. There, the life of Christ is depicted on every corner. This picture impressed me so much, so when I came here, I said the same thing could happen here,” Fr. Petar explains.

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The 40 stops on the spiritual path represent the 40 years that the Israelites wandered in the desert after the Exodus.

Fr. Petar’s forest project concluded with the building of a small church in the forest.

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Aaron Foster12/27/2024 9:42 am
I recently made translations of all the scriptures on the path for Peter to English so foreigner's could understand when the go there .
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