Holy Cross Monastery abbot in ICU

Wayne, West Virginia, January 31, 2022

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The abbot of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia’s Holy Cross Monastery in West Virginia was hospitalized last week and is now being treated in the ICU.

On January 25, the monastery announced that during a pre-op appointment for an upcoming surgery, Archimandrite Seraphim developed a high fever and was taken to the ER.

Doctors then discovered that he was septic and in serious condition.

Fr. Seraphim was moved to the ICU on Friday. The monastery reports:

His bloodwork is improving, although it shows that he is still fighting the infection. His atrial fibrillation, which was scheduled to be treated this week by an ablation which had to be postponed due to his going into septic shock, has been an added obstacle to his recovery throughout this ordeal. Other than his heart rate, his vitals have remained fairly stable over the last 24 hours thank God.

Holy Unction was served for Fr. Seraphim the day he was taken to the hospital, and on Friday he was able to confess and receive Holy Communion.

“Miraculously, his severe atrial fibrillation went into remission just after receiving the Holy Mysteries. He is extremely exhausted but remains in good spirits. Your continued prayers are both sorely needed and deeply appreciated,” the monastery writes.


Fr. Seraphim’s bio from the monastery website:

Archimandrite Seraphim began his monastic life as a Roman Catholic Benedictine monk for nine years. Eventually he left the Roman Catholic monastery to become Orthodox, and in 1988 was baptized at the Church of St. John Chrysostom in House Springs, MO by the founder of Holy Cross, Hieromonk Kallistos (Pazalos). Fr. Seraphim was an active member of this parish for two years.

Fr. Seraphim entered Orthodox monastic life at Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Boston in 1990 and completed the three years of the novitiate there.

In 1993 he left Holy Transfiguration because he wanted to return to the Russian Church Abroad and entered the Hermitage of the Holy Cross in House Springs, MO. By that time the founder Fr. Kallistos had reposed and only one hierodeacon remained in the brotherhood.

Fr. Seraphim was tonsured as a rassophore-monk at Holy Protection Cathedral in Chicago by Archbishop Alypy in December 1994, and was later tonsured into the small schema at the Holy Cross by Archbishop Laurus in December of 1997.

Fr. Seraphim was ordained a deacon at Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, NY by Archbishop Laurus on Annunciation in 1998, and shortly thereafter was ordained a priesthood on Palm Sunday of the same year.

Fr. Seraphim was raised to the rank of Igumen and awarded the Gold Cross by Metropolitan Hilarion at the Holy Cross in October of 2008.

After the departure of Bishop George to Australia was announced, Fr. Seraphim was elected Abbot of Holy Cross Monastery on January 12, 2015, and was raised to the rank of Archimandrite and installed as Abbot by Bishop George with the blessing of Metropolitan Hilarion on Bright Monday, April 13, 2015.

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Fr. Elias Rusoke (Priest monk)6/16/2024 12:06 am
From Father Seraphim's bio, I have learnt that in the journey to salvation,there is no shortcut. One must strive and remain prayerful, patient and focused till the end of his Earthly life.
Joseph Lipper2/1/2022 4:53 pm
Lord have mercy on the soul of thy servant, Archimandrite Seraphim!
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