Nearly 2 dozen women dedicate themselves to Christ as nuns at Ukrainian monastery

Bakaevka, Cherkassy Province, Ukraine, March 23, 2022

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Despite the war that has greatly disrupted life in cities across Ukraine, in some respects, Church life continues on as usual.

In monasteries across the country, men and women continue to give their lives to Christ in the angelic habit. For example, several tonsures have taken place at the Kiev Caves Lavra in the past week (see here, here, and here), in addition to several other monasteries.

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Most notably, 21 novices were tonsured as nuns this week at Holy Protection Convent in the village of Bakaevka in the Cherkassy Diocese, one of the oldest monasteries in Ukraine, dating to the late-16th century.

The tonsures were celebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Theodosy of Cherkassy and Kanev on Monday, the diocese reports.

Following the rite, Vladyka addressed the newly tonsured nuns with a word of instruction about the peculiarities of monastic life and wished that they might enjoy God’s help for the salvation of their souls.

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Troy Heffernan4/5/2022 10:37 am
What a wonderful story I read about the two dozen women who became nuns. God be praised for His Mercy!
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