Romanian Church aid to Ukraine exceeds $7.5 million

Bucharest, May 26, 2022

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Since the beginning of the fratricidal war in Ukraine in late February, humanitarian aid has poured into Ukraine and the surrounding nations housing refugees from Orthodox Churches throughout the world.

According to a press release issued yesterday, the Romanian Orthodox Church has offered more than $7.5 million in aid over the past three months.

The $7,616,805 in aid has come both from the donations of the faithful and from the parish, diocesan, and Patriarchate level.

The Church specifies that aid consists in money, food, baby food, sanitary products, medicine, blankets, clothing, toys, etc., and a number of social services, including counseling and guidance, medical, educational, logistical support, accommodations, and so on.

The Romanian Church also has a blood donation campaign for Ukraine.

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Ioann5/26/2022 5:28 pm
LAUDA Romanie!
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