Romanian monastery donates house to mother with five children

Pruteni, Făleşti District, Moldova, August 29, 2022     

Thanks to the love and generosity of one Romanian monastery and a Romanian diocese in Moldova, a single mother and her five children now have a new roof over their heads.

The Antoci family had been living in a 320ьsquare-foot dormitory room with no kitchen or bathroom. The Diocese of Bălți found out about the family’s situation when they went to offer one of the diocese’s merit scholarships at a local school. The family’s three older children who go to school get very good grades, the diocese reports.

The house was purchased for the family in Pruteni, a Moldovan commune, on August 17, and blessed by His Grace Bishop Antonie of Bălți on Thursday.

Most of the funds for the house came from Hadâmbu Monastery in Iași, Romania, the bishop told the family.

The monastery has helped needy people and families in Moldova many times in the past.

Last week, OrthoChristian reported that the Romanian Archdiocese of Argeș and Muscel built a new home for a family who last theirs to fire.

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