Romanian diocese builds house for family who lost theirs to fire

Enculești, Argeș County, Romania, August 24, 2022     

When a local family lost its home to fire, the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of Argeș and Muscel decided to step in.

Through its Social, Philanthropic, and Missionary Department, the Archdiocese raised funds to purchase the necessary construction materials to provide the family with a new home, the Archdiocese reports.

“Charity represents the Christian gesture of doing good, out of love and compassion for the one in need. Love of our fellow man is benevolent and understanding, being the most natural feeling. As this is so important, let us strive to strengthen it in our souls and increase it in our lives!” the Church calls.

The house was built under the supervision of the diocese, ensuring that it was built to high standards.

OrthoChristian has reported on many such stories throughout Romania. In October, the first of seven social housing units was blessed and turned over to a needy family with eight children by the Archdiocese of Onești.

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