Romania: thousands process in honor of Holy Cross and local saint (+VIDEO)

Mironeasa, Iași County, Romania, September 16, 2022     

Thousands of faithful Romanian Orthodox Christians have participated in at least two processions lately, in honor of the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, and of the local Timișoara saint, St. Joseph the New.

On Wednesday, September 14, the feast of the Exaltation, the Divine Liturgy was celebrated at Hadâmbu Monastery in Mironeasa, Iași County, by His Grace Bishop Damaschin of Dorneni, Vicar of the Archdiocese of Suceava and Rădăuți, with a number of priests and deacons, reports

Thousands of pilgrims came to the monastery to honor both the Holy Cross and the Mother of God, whose wonderworking icon is located at the monastery.     

Following the Liturgy, the Way of the Cross procession began at the bottom of the hill leading up to the monastery. The faithful held basil in their hands, piously listening to the Gospel readings and prayers.

Bp. Damaschin spoke about the Cross in the lives of Christians:

Christ knows that it’s difficult for us to carry our cross without Him. We carry our cross with our eyes fixed upon the Savior’s Cross. When we fall under the cross, we know that there is Someone Who will come to pick us up. When He ascended Golgotha, the Savior fell three times. Unable to carry the Cross anymore, someone came and helped Him.

The procession ended in the monastery, where all were offered an agape meal by the brotherhood.

And that evening, thousands of pilgrims joined in a procession in honor of St. Joseph the New of Partoș in Timișoara on the eve of his feast. St. Joseph served as Metropolitan of Timișoara in the 17th century and is the patron saint of the city’s cathedral.     

St. Joseph’s holy relics were carried through the main city streets and around the cathedral, where they were then placed in front of the holy altar for all to venerate.     

The All-Night Vigil and Divine Liturgy with an akathist to St. Joseph and the Sacrament of Unction were then celebrated throughout the night. The next morning, the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was celebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Ioan of Banat, His Eminence Archbishop Timotei of Arad, His Grace Bishop Lucian of Caransebeș, and His Grace Bishop Paisie of Lugoj.

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