Greek monks on trial for anti-vaccination publication

Volos, Greece, September 19, 2022

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The abbot and five monks of Holy Trinity Monastery in Ano Gatzea, Pelion, Greece, will soon face trial in Volos for publishing a pocket calendar with information against COVID vaccines.

The monks face charges of distributing fake news for their calendar entitled, “Think Before You Vaccinate,” reports Magnesia News.

The monastery is a dependency of the Athonite monastery of the Great Lavra.

The publication contained statements from molecular biologists, professors, and a lawyer cautioning people against receiving COVID vaccines. The biologist emphasized the use of fetal tissue in the production of various vaccines.

According to a law amended last November, “anyone who publicly disseminates fake news, which is capable of causing confusion or fear to the citizen and shakes his confidence in the public health system, is punished with imprisonment of at least 3 months to 5 years and a fine.”

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Areti9/24/2022 4:33 am
Lord have mercy: False disseminates fake news, is the government and his monkeys, whose going to charge them?
Dillon D.9/24/2022 12:36 am
God bless them for their bravery. Shame on the government of Greece for instituting such authoritarian nonsense.
Gabriel9/21/2022 4:02 pm
Lord, have mercy! God preserve these brave, confessor monks. A new time of confessors and martyrs is beginning. God grant us all the courage to stay faithful to the end.
Mark9/20/2022 2:13 am
Lord have mercy! They are confessors who stood up for the truth against this wicked generation.
Grace9/20/2022 12:27 am
History will vindicate them. God give them strength!
Anne9/20/2022 12:17 am
May God bless and protect the Abbot and five monks of Holy Trinity Monastery in Pelion, Greece for having the courage to stand up and warn others of the dangers of experimental mRNA gene agent inoculations. May He give them His grace during this difficult time where they are being persecuted for standing up and speaking the truth and trying to warn and protect innocent people from corrupt governments and corrupt pharmaceutical interests.
Benjamin9/20/2022 12:13 am
The best reason to oppose the vaccine is that you're literally injecting yourself with RNA genetic instruction codes. Humans aren't smart enough to go around messing with this kind of stuff, even if you're an atheist who believes everything can be solved with science. Ecclesiastes says that "there is nothing new under the sun", but what's going on inside the people who took the mRNA vaccine (Pfizer and Moderna) is definitely something new. More deaths from these vaccines since they've been rolled out than all previous vaccines combined. And we're less than 2 years since they've been rolled out. Expect many many more over the coming decades. The new meme term being used for vaccine deaths is SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome)
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