Greek Metropolitan of Piraeus consecrates church at local orphanage

Piraeus, Greece, October 31, 2022

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A new church at a local orphanage was consecrated in the Greek Metropolis of Piraeus this weekend.

His Eminence Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus celebrated Vespers at the Zannei Orphanage’s Church of St. Barbara on Saturday evening, followed by the rite of consecration and the Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning, the Metropolis of Piraeus reports.

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In his homily, “His Eminence praised the Most Holy God, Who gives us great gifts and blessings in our lives every day,” while referring to events both from the life of St. Barbara and the day’s Gospel reading of the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus.

Speaking of the ministry offered by the orphanage for dozens of yeas now, Met. Seraphim noted that the institution offers children valuable services in an effort to educate their souls and raise them as genuine and authentic people.

“In this tragedy of the world ... this institution is a beacon that proclaims the debt of all of us and our spiritual relegation,” he said.


His Eminence thanked all those who contributed to the building of the church, and emphasizing that Orthodox Christians are all true temples of God, he wished that the same Holy Spirit that sanctified the new church would bestow health and all good things upon the faithful.

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