Australia: Antiochian and Macedonian hierarchs concelebrate feast of St. Nicholas

Punchbowl, New South Wales, Australia, December 7, 2022

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Last week

, the hierarch of the Macedonian Orthodox Church-Ohrid Archbishopric for Australia and New Zealand celebrated the Divine Liturgy with his counterpart in the Serbian Orthodox Church.

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And yesterday, on the new calendar feast of the Holy Hierarch and Wonderworker Nicholas, His Eminence Metropolitan Petar of Prespa and Pelagonia, administrator of the Macedonian Diocese of Australia and New Zealand, concelebrated with His Eminence Metropolitan Basilios of the Antiochian Archdiocese of Australia, New Zealand, and the Philippines, the Macedonian diocese reports.

The service was held at the Church of St. Nicholas in the Sydney suburb of Punchbowl.

The Holy Synod of the Antiochian Orthodox Church officially recognized in October

the canonicity and autocephaly of the Macedonian Church, which it received from the Serbian Church in June.

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