Christmas charity from monasteries: Romania, Mt. Athos

Schitu Hadâmbului, Iași County, Romania, December 16, 2022

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While dioceses, churches, and monasteries are typically involved in charity throughout the year, the Christmas season is especially devoted to assisting the less fortunate.

Two recent reports highlight the contributions offered by a monastery in Romania, and one from Mt. Athos.

On Tuesday, Hadâmbu Monastery from the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of Iaşi sent groceries for families without material means and social protection institutions in the Diocese of Bălţi.

The gifts were delivered by Abbot Nicodim (Gheorghiţă) as part of the monastery’s “Gifts in Honor of Baby Jesus” Christmas campaign, reports the Basilica News Agency.

Altogether, more than 3,300 pounds of groceries were offered.

The monastery has been supporting the Diocese of Bălţi’s social-philanthropic activity for more than three years now.

And from Mt. Athos, the Monastery of Vatopedi has donated more than a ton of chickens to the food and clothing bank of the Metropolis of Corinth in the Greek Church, reports Vima Orthodoxias.

The donation was delivered on Monday, and was distributed to the St. Paul Cathedral in Corinth and other diocesan institutions.

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